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     downy is considered the founders of Japanese post rock. They have been a very influential band across various genres and music scenes in Japan since forming in 2000.
   Their distinctive style of composition consists of heavy usage of complex beats with an overwhelming sense of persuasiveness. The band has a VJ as a member, and their performances are considered to be dense and explosive with usage of intense visuals.
Throughout their career, they have performed in various major festivals, like Fujirock in Japan or China’s biggest rock festival Concrete & Grass.
     downy curates the festival “Afterhours” with Mono and Envy, where they invite Japanese artists that have a strong foothold overseas just as them (toe, Boris, LITE, etc) , as well as foreign bands like Explosions in the Sky.
     To date they have had seven album releases, all titled Mudai, which roughly translates to "Untitled". Each release has a distinct yet mutually comparable sound.

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2024      Merit & Wave

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