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Stones Throw / Boiler Room/ NTS Radio


    Artist, musician and DJ Sofie Fatouretchi has a number of accomplishments in the music industry under her belt: from curation, business development, merchandising and creative direction at Boiler Room to digital distribution and A&R duties at Stones Throw Records.

    Originally hired at Stones Throw after a two month internship, it was her former boss Peanut Butter Wolf that suggested she warm up Boiler Room’s first ever LA show, alongside J Rocc, Dam Funk, and Peanut Butter Wolf himself. After her set was well received, she was quickly asked to run the Los Angeles branch of Boiler Room, while her DJ skills were practiced regularly in the Stones Throw office’s dungeon as well as at the 56 parties, a monthly club night thrown by Stones Throw at Mr T’s Bowl in Highland Park.

    With a brief stint in New York to help oversee Boiler Room’s launch there and an even more short lived monthly radio show on East Village Radio, she moved to London where she became even more involved in the behind the scenes runnings at Boiler Room as she helped the company grow and develop. She has programmed Boiler Room shows in Tokyo, Moscow, Oslo, Vienna, New York, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and London. Currently, she hosts her own monthly show on NTS Radio.

    Her debut album is due out in June 2020 on Stones Throw Records

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2024      Merit & Wave

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